Shree Saraswati Orphanage Center

The foundation's first project is the Saraswati Orphanage Center. It was founded in 1990. After he and his blind wife lost both their children, Krishna Baddahur Sahi decided to open their home to orphans. Later they received a donation of a piece of ground, close to the Saraswati temple. With the help of donations they were able to build facilities for the children.

With the help of the Foundation, new accommodation was built in 2000. Currently, around 22 orphans and street children live there. The goal is to shelter 40 children. The foundation is also responsible for the inventory and has set up both an eating and a classroom area.

The classroom in the Saraswati Home

All of the children now attend school, for which the costs are borne by the Foundation. We carry the costs of a home-mother, two part-time tutors, a computer teacher and a guard. We also hope to provide vocational training for children with learning difficulties, so that they too have chance to earn a living. With this in mind, we would like to build an area for practical skills training.